Bharteeya Blog Mela

Hello there. How are you? Take a seat, won’t you? The show will begin in a minute. How about a cup of virtual coffee? No? You’re sure? OK then.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages… MadMan’s Web is proud to present you with yet another weekly edition of the Bharteeya Blog Mela, our virtual showcase of insightful writing by Indians without any of the “I changed my toothbrush today” fluff.

The entries below have been chosen both from reader submissions and from my own travels around the
Indian blogosphere. I have used editorial discretion when picking the posts and if yours hasn’t made it, I’m sorry. 

(This is the paragraph that’s supposed to start with the “without further ado”
clich? but I will not use it.)

Let’s jump right into it, eh? has some suggestions for online promotion of
Shwaas – India’s nominee to the Oscars. (Editor’s note: Have you noticed the media attention paid to
Shwaas compared to Lagaan?)

Dilip D’Souza has just adopted a baby and shares his experience as well as the neighbour’s reaction.

Ashish Hanwadikar pores over reams of data and concludes that failed economic policies are the only reason for India’s lack of economic progress.

Want another theory? Atanu Dey opines that Indians are getting left behind just because of ignorance and stupidity. Hopefully he will explain how in a future post.

In another
, Atanu posts Part 5 of a detailed proposal to get all of India educated by giving them a Rs. 5000 financial incentive to study. Will it evade the notorious Indian skill for finding loopholes in systems and abusing them? Read it and decide for yourselves.

Amardeep Singh explains how the Bush camp has turned the word “lesbian” from a value-neutral description to a slur.

Sandeep is furious that winners of the Nobel Peace Prize don’t seem to be particularly worthy; the latest being a lady who believes AIDS was a virus created by whites to wipe out blacks.

Alka Dwivedi laments the mindset of some men that causes operations like hymenoplasty (“repairing” the female hymen) to be offered.

Lazy Geek tells us about how Chennai is making preparations for the shopping season that is heralded by Deepavali.

The Acorn ridicules an NRI mgazine’s view that modern technology deployment should be withheld until intelligence agencies can catch up. 

Brooding Dude has a theory of why the British tolerated Gandhi’s non-violent protests for so long. He falls short, however, of explaining how this led to India getting freedom.

Feminine Mystique is a little overwhelmed by all the technology around us and thinks that things are hardly “simpler” as they were supposed to be.

Rajk takes an Indian friend to an Indian restaurant in UK where the conversation is not about the food but mostly about the cooler there.

Please visit these sites and whenever possible, leave a comment for the
author with your views.

I hope you enjoy this selection of articles. The next mela will be hosted by
young Aadisht Khanna. (A full hosting schedule
is available here


7 thoughts to “Bharteeya Blog Mela”

  1. Asia by Blog

    Asia by Blog is a twice weekly feature, posted on Monday and Thursday, providing links to Asian blogs and their views on the news in this fascinating region. Please send me an email if you would like to be notified of new editions. Previous editions ca…

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